Welcome to SZOVATERM!

F O R 2 5 Y E A R S I N T H E H E A T I N G C E N T R E T E C H N O L O G Y !
Established in 1991 as a family business, SZOVATERM Engineering Consultants Ltd. has set from the very beginning the objective to provide full-scale solutions in the domain of heating centre technology.
The aim of our home page is to give you - whether as a designer, installation or operation professional - an overview of the application of modern, modular and compact heating centres used in heating and district heating technology employing warm water, hot water and steam on their primary side. All our different products have countless advantageous characteristics in terms of energetics and application techniques comparing to the traditional assembly technologies applied in heating technology still today.
We mainly build plate heat exchangers into our heating centres in order to divide the primary and the secondary side, to transmit heat and to warm up domestic hot water.
Our company with its 25 years of experiences is strong participant in the market of heating centre technology. Our colleagues have adequate competencies, licences and rutins.
Contact us! Ask for a bid here!